Live Nation’s Rapino Braves Two Investor Conferences
Normally Live Nation Prez Michael Rapino at two investor conferences would be guaranteed yawn, But given the shaky summer the concert industry is having, the proposed merger of Live Nation and Ticketmaster and new revelations of the industry's coziness with ticket scalpers, these two personal appearances could actually be quite lively.
Young Master Rapino will be hitting the stage at:
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2009 Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference on Sept. 9 at The Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey. (Is it really OK for a fresh of the federal dole B of A to wine and dine investors and the media at the Ritz?)
- Goldman Sachs Communacopia XVIII Conference on Wednesday, Sept. 16 at the Goldman Sachs Conference Center in New York.
In case making a living gets in the way of you catching this bit of theatre, a live audio webcast of both presentations will be available on the LN website for two weeks.