Social Media

MySpace Close To Buying iLike For $20 Million

ILike new logo  + Myspace new

MySpace is close to buying iLike for $20 million according to TechCrunch.

Quick analysis:

  • iLike is second only to MySpace in hosting pages for artists. Combining their assets would strongly solidify MySpace's position in music.
  • How will Facebook react iLike is the dominate music discovery app on Facebook offering users a music option without the social networker having to create their own. But now it's top music app will be conrtolled by chief rival MySpace.Could Facebook finally be forced to forge its music strategy?
  • What music startups are ripe for aquistion by either social networker?  imeem? ReverbNation? 

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  1. Please don’t talk about Reverb Nation being bought out. They’re one of the few places that actually does things right – I’d hate to see some big corp ruin all of that…

  2. Imeem is ad based and about to go under. Reverbnation a bunch of bells & whistles that provides no real marketing tools that mean anything of any measurable value, over-rated hype – nothing of any substance at RN – For example:Where is the sense is displaying ‘friends’ on Reverbnation when the totals include your MySpace friends? (Which every indie band out there are jacking!)
    I heard (from a relaible source) that Facebook are already in talks with the majors about partnering with them on CMX – which makes total sense and more notably why Facebook is not bothered about MySpace’s aquisition of iLike.

  3. Wow Dave. I’m very surprised by your assessment of Reverbnation. I can only surmise that you have not actually used their service. I have been using their tools for over 2 years now and have yet to find any other provider that gives deeper analytics or more powerful out-of-the-box solutions.
    I’m also confused by your issue with displaying friends at Reverb. is not a destination, nor is it intended to be. Reverb is a tool meant to help super charge your other existing destinations.
    I would suggest that you give them a real test drive and see for yourself.
    To the initial post, I would expect that a company ran as intelligently as Reverb would not sell unless it was in the best interest of all involved.

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