
Where Is Your Blackberry Music App? RIM Outsells The iPhone

The iPhone may get all of the attention from the press, but thanks to aggressive marketing via Verizon Blackberry parent RIM's smartphone market share increased 15% to nearly 50% in Q1 2009 versus the prior quarter, as Apple’s and Palm’s share both declined 10% each. Based on U.S. consumer sales of smartphone handsets in NPD’s “Smartphone Market Update” report, theBalckberry new big first-quarter ranking is:

   1. RIM BlackBerry Curve
   2. Apple iPhone 3G
   3. RIM BlackBerry Storm
   4. RIM BlackBerry Pearl
   5. T-Mobile G1

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  1. I suggest taking a wait and see approach on both the rim Blackberry and Ovi Store from Nokia for the following reasons:
    1) Blackberry users are not normally using their device as a media (music) player for entertainment but instead for its core purpose, a business device.
    2) RIM charges much more per app in their store, which can be a put-off to users, variable pricing is hard to negotiate.
    3) Nokia and Blackberry still have a long way to go to come level with the user experience and ease of use on Apple. Until now, this fact has prohibited most users from downloading (or streaming) content in the first place.
    Take it from me, a mobile internet veteran, whose day job is still in this mobile business, wait and see the adoption by users in RIM and OVI’s store before diving in.

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