
Spotify Song Stats Revealed

Spotify With more than 1 million subscribers in the UK alone and 40k more signing up very day, Spotify is delivering some impressive numbers.  But how many tracks does the EU (for now) music streaming service offer?  Spotify refuses to play that game officially, but thanks to a Music Machinery here are the numbers:

Total tracks:  3,586,179
Total albums: 319,106
Total artists: 264,461

Compare that to an equally secretive Amazon who has 8,235,303 tracks from 748,112 albums for sale and you see that while Spotify has an impressive offering, there are still major holes in its catalog.

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1 Comment

  1. Here in the UK, the total today is 2,816,100 tracks. Last I heard, Spotify had the rights to about 6 million tracks so nearly half-way there.

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