CD Baby To Add Single Song Downloads
One complaint about CD Baby's popular indie digital download distribution service has been the inability to sell single song downloads. That's about to change alongside a major site redesign schedule for summer launch. From the blog:
Oh, and if you'd like to offer some tracks for free as a promotional tool, go for it!"
Note: The free and variable pricing options are for downloads sold directly from CD Baby. The site charges 9% for download distribution services.
We decided to take the single song download plunge to allow artists to experiment with pricing for singles. It’ll be a very interesting experiment, and I’m curious what we’ll learn about price points and how they drive sales volume at the indie level. Artists will even be able to give away tracks for free.
We’re excited about the site relaunch, which will include a totally different look, more ways to find cool music, a music uploader, artist pages where they can list all their albums and tracks, and more. Can’t wait for July to finally get here!
Tony van Veen, CD Baby
Tony, the inclusion of an info database that enlists the musicians and producers playing on the albums from your catalogue would be a great tool in new artist discovery.
I, for example, have found lots and lots of great albums through the allmusic musician database – albums that favourite studio musicians appear on, which I wouldn’t have known about without it.
Thank you for considering. And thank you for continuing and keeping in shape the house that Derek built.