
NewBandDaily Promises New Artist Discovery

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NewBandDaily launches Monday with an email newsleNew Band Dailytter that delivers one new and up-and-coming music artist free to subscribers’ inboxes every weekday. NewBandDaily culls dozens of indie artists recommended by 17 global correspondents and selects one band to profile and review, including a recommendation of best songs and a link to music.

While NewBandDaily could provide important exposure for new artists, the newsletter will also needs to quickly offer compelling proof that their 17 correspndents are gatekeepers worth inviting to our overcrowded inboxes each day.

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  1. Andrew said…
    What problem does this solve?
    1) for people who like music and don’t have much time: it gives them a daily dose of cool new bands to check out and listen to.
    2) for music bands and artists: it gives them exposure to journalists and fans. The band we featured today, The Right Now, a band from Chicago, just got a mention on Chicago Tribune’s site – including where they’re playing next so fans can go check them out live – for being profiled on NewBandDaily’s newsltter: http://featuresblogs.chicagotribune.com/eric2_0/2009/03/newbanddaily-brings-music-discovery-to-your-inbox.html
    santiago vega

  2. This is a good idea, but I know from experience that having a daily band email can be a huge pain in the ass. Good luck!

  3. Hmm…I’ll definitely need to know who the gatekeepers are before I have them sending me music every day. Every day??? OOF.

  4. hey guys,
    just thought you’d like to know that we’re no longer asking people to sign up in order to access the site’s content. Now everyone can browse through http://www.NewBandDaily.com before signing up for the email newsletter. thanks for the feedback.
    Santiago Vega

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