The Challenge: Band + $99 + 24 Hours = Great Video
New online channel $99 Music Videos pairs independent bands and experienced filmmakers to produce quality music videos for less than $99 in under 24 hours. The resulting videos which debut twice weekly and an accompanying "making of" clip are then judged by viewers. Indie bands and filmmakers can also submit their own $99 music videos.
The channel is being developed by former creative Director of MTV Fred Seibert and promoted by the team that that created the buzz for the hugely popular Obama Girl videos. Host Next New Networks had 300 million views in 2008 for an eclectic mix of 101 online micro-television networks.
This is a pretty inspirational idea, but it looks like Verizon is sponsoring the site – presumably in an attempt to capture youthful indie types (or people who imagine themselves to be such)?
That’s ok, but it means ultimately the goal isn’t how to make great videos, it’s to sell Verizon products. So a great video for a song that rants against cellphones might be squelched. Or a great video by a band that’s not “indie” enough for Verizon might be squelched.
Still, great idea. I’d like to see it take off! I’ve already gotten some tips!
Interesting concept in user generated content. Not troubled by the Verizon FiOS sponsorship at all. Without corporate sponsorship, this project may have never seen the light of day.
I am however, curious to see more bands like La Strada, put their $99 to good use. At the very least, this will force artists and filmmakers to be more creative. That can’t be a bad thing.