Friday’s Music 2.0 Briefing: UK P2PWarnings, Weezer, Coldplay & More
- Are Fuel Prices Effecting Touring?
- Major Labels Sue Spanish P2P’s
- ConcertAttack: A Live Music Social Network
- Burma: It Can’t Wait Campaign
> UK ISP Virgin Media says it will start warning customers that are downloading illegally. (Telegraph UK)
> Weezer is telling fans to bring their instruments along and perform with them onstage and off during their upcoming Hootenanny Tour. (FMQB) This band brings its fans along for the party as well as anybody. Watch them and learn.
> Coldplay’s new Capitol album Viva La Vida, which will be released June 17 is the #1 pre-order in iTunes history. Insiders feel it’s a lock to beat the 140k first-week sales record set by Jack Johnson’s Brushfire/ Universal Republic album, Sleep Through the Static, set in February. (HITS via EMI)
> Full text of U2 manager Paul McGuinness’ speech this week attacking ISP’s and other communication companies for profiting from illegal music and demanding change. (U2)
> Missouri University of Science and Technology requires students to pass a six-question quiz on digital copyright law in exchange for six hours of access to P2P they can use to share music and movies online. (AP)