
Chant #1 Classical Before CD Release


I have seen the future of music and it looks like Chant.  Chant – Music for the Soul  on Decca debuted at #1 on the Billboard Classical Chart and remains the #1 classical release at the iTunes Music Store.

Chant, a niche recording even by classical standards, made it to #1 as a digital only release exclusively through the iTunes. The recording will be released physically in-stores nationwide on Tuesday, July 1st.

Want success in Music 2.0?
Chant this: "I will serve the niches. I will serve the niches. I will serve the niches…"

FROM THE PRESS RELEASE: About CHANT – Music for the Soul

Chant is the ultimate in relaxation and stress relief — the perfect antidote to our fast-moving modern world. Chant has proven to heal, calm and also give strength; its power is timeless. Dr. Alan Watkins, Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience at Imperial College London, says, "We have recently carried out research that demonstrates that the regular breathing and musical structure of chanting can have a significant and positive physiological impact. Previous studies also demonstrate that such practices have been shown to lower blood pressure, increase levels of the performance hormone DHEA as well as reducing anxiety and depression. The control of the breathing, the feelings of well-being that communal singing bring, and the simplicity of the melodies, seem to have a powerful effect on reducing blood pressure and therefore stress."

Already a runaway hit overseas, Chant – Music for the Soul debuted at #9 on the UK pop chart, alongside Madonna and Duffy, and bested the likes of Amy Winehouse and Leona Lewis. Not surprising given our hectic lifestyle, Chant – Music for the Soul is a much-needed growing phenomenon. In the ongoing quest for spiritual bliss, the CD is a must-have, and arguably the most peaceful listening experience imaginable.

Earlier this year, Universal Classics & Jazz in the UK placed ads in various religious publications encouraging choral groups to submit demos for consideration for a major recording contract. The monks of the Cistercian Abbey Stift Heiligenkreuz in Vienna applied with a clip they had posted on YouTube. With their rich and evocative sound the Monks were the easy favorites. Billboard recently reported, "It’s a pretty safe bet that very few of Universal Music’s recent signings count Pope Benedict XVI among their fans. But the pontiff is a definite admirer of the latest boys in the hood(s) to sign globally to Universal Classics."

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  1. this looks like a great, fresh album. you should recommend them for the independent music awards

  2. this is cool but not really new .. the benedictine monks had a 2xplatinum album of chanting already

  3. Non-traditional? Yes. Longtail? No. A longtail release is one of the tens of thousands of Bollywood albums you can find on eMusic and that will get a couple of downloads apiece (if that) and have no publicity behind them. There is absolutely nothing longtail about this Chant release. It has been in the press for months (tons of press when the monks were signed in March), has built up a lot of expectation and it’s on a major-owned label.

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