Join “Issues Facing Music 2.0” Discussion
Our recent post The Top 10 Issues Music 2.0 has led to some great comments both here and from several other bloggers. Read the original post a join the discussion here.
Attorney Nancy Prager would add a #11 PATRONAGE: "It takes years of hard work to develop a following as a band, touring
and luck. So, what new bands really need are patrons a la Medici, or
angel investors, who will finance the period of time it takes to build
an audience."
For Sean @ BoardOfDictators #11 is: "Bands Who Worry About All The Above. Aspiring to make a living, rather than a legend, is making for bands more interested in their matte black Mac Books and Blackberries riddled with mid-weeks, merch sales and business models."
WB Records Tech VP Ethan Kaplan on his BlackRimGlasses blog: "Funny thing is, with smart people, these are not challenges. With smart partners, they are open opportunities."
From Mitch Reisondorf: "#8 can be re-stated as ‘working class’ because the new definition of success is shifting from making millions like Madonna to making enough to supplement one’s everyday needs to justify continuing to do what they love which is make music."
Read the original Top 10 Issues Facing Music 2.0 post and join the discussion here.
There are also some very informed comments for our report from the recent SF MusicTech Summit "Venture Capital Talks Music" from Andrew McCluskey of ShdowMan Ent and former Live 365 CTO Peter Rothman.
Read the post and add your comments here.
A lot of people are releasing their music into the public domain for free. For example I listen to free music at
I think its a great idea, who needs record companies anyway?
Free Music