
Help Wanted: Patrons & Champions


Several comments to my recent Top 10 Issues Facing Music 2.0 post suggested that an 11th issue facing indie musicians was to find a Patron. Readers pointed to the lean years that musicians suffer and the need for financial backers to help get through them.

It’s not a new concept. The Medici family supported Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century  Recently artists like Jill Soluble have been asking fans to "invest" in a new album. Silicon Valley has "angel investors".

Money is essential; even if its a day job supporting nights making music. But in addition to Patrons, indie artists also need Champions –  a voice telling others how great you are.  A typical champion was once a a local DJ playing your tape, coaxing listeners to shows and handing your tape to a regional label rep. Champion 2.0 is more likely to be a writer who blogs about you, mentions you in his newspaper column and eventually submits review for national publication.  He talks you up to the indie labels who call and to his friends who are also writers and DJ’s. You’ve go buzz.

If you’ve got the energy you can be your own Champion

Incessantly making friends on MySpace, blogging and Twittering your
every move and posting clever videos; always hoping that enough people
notice and care.  Pandora’s Tim Westergreen cleverly suggests minting your own Champion; a fifth Beatle, who shares in the band’s ups and downs in exchange for aggressively promoting the band on and offline.

It all may sound contrived, but it beats the old system of signing
your life away in hopes that Music Inc. would make you a star. Whether
you are on the giving or the receiving end of the aid, Patrons & Champions may be the real stars of Music 2.0.

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