
The Hidden Danger Of Downloading. The IFPI Tries New Scare Tactic

As if the threats of police raids and lawsuits weren’t enough, recording industry trade group the IFPI has started a campaign to remind you that P2P is hazardous to your computing healtIfpilogo190105h. Siting an academic paper from June of last year the IFPI claims:

  • "
    Unrecognized to many of [P2P] users is the serious security threat these networks pose to both corporate and individual security."
  • "Confidential and potentially damaging documents have made their way onto these networks. The research also shows that criminals actively search P2P networks hoping to find information that they can exploit."

An just in case you’re still not afraid, the IFPI warns your employer to beware encouraging them to watch out particularly if you’re under 25.

  • "Research conducted by Ipsos-MORI for IFPI in the UK in November
    2007 indicates that one in ten office employees are using the workplace
    to download music, two thirds of them illegally, exposing their
    employers not only to computer network risks, but to legal risks too."
  • "Nearly half of those who download music illegally in the
    workplace (43%) know that their employers have a policy on copying,
    sharing and downloading music – suggesting they disregard rules set by
    their bosses."
  • "The problem appears to be concentrated among younger workers. The
    survey indicated that one in five under 25s illegally download music at
    work. It only takes one person to download an infected file and expose
    the company to huge risks."

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