Songkick Measures Artist Net Action
With radio airplay and retail sales both rapidly becoming nostalgic concepts. how do you measure a band’s popularity? Songkick, best known for helping fans track tour dates for bands their listening to thinks they have the answer with a a tool that looks at MySpace activity, the number of blog posts and Amazon and Songkick rankings to measure an artist’s internet activity. Songkick them allows you to compare up to three bands side by side using graphs.
"We created this to demonstrate how the web is changing music. We wanted reliable way to see who the hottest artists are, so we could recommend tours. Album sales and radio play don’t tell you enough anymore," states Songkick.
The site should consider adding a broader range of net activity. But brief test drive found a broad selection of artists and viewing comparisons surprisingly addicting as well as informative. Try it out.
Wow I’ve checked a half-dozen artist names that I’ve got specific MySpace stats for and this SongKick program is waaayyyyy off.