
Monday’s Music 2.0 Briefing: Sony BMG,WMG Close To MySpace Deal, Dolly Parton & Much More

> SonyBMG and WMG are both reportedly close to deals with the new MySpace music service. (NY Post) "The new MySpace Music is expected to be a mix of pay-per-download and ad-supported video and audio."  Why am I not excited?


> Higher gas prices are hurting some touring bands.  Last week moe. manager John Topper called for a 50 cent ticket fee to help out.  But none of this has stopped Iron Maiden from continuing to fly in their own private jet. 

> Dolly Parton is backing her latest release with her own money. (AP) "Now the majors are what they used to think I was: history," she said. Go Dolly!

> A test drive of the new Rock Band built-in music store. (ars) Rock band has sold 6 million songs so far. This is a bandwagon worth jumping on.

> SpiralFrog is trying a $5000 concert ticket giveaway to boost registrations. (press release)

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