
Join The Ad Supported Music Debate

How important do you think ad supported music is to the industry’s future?

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  1. Doesn’t matter how the music is distributed: free, subscription, pay what you want etc… The mire fact is that the fans have to connect. Let the fans start “signing” bands, start having fans feel like they made the band get where they are rather then like the band once they are at a certain point. This connection is special and cannot be broken.

  2. Honestly? 0%
    Of course Mark Cohen argues that it’s gonna be big — that’s his whole gig. He’s totally invested in it, and why anyone takes him seriously is beyond me.
    As an artist, I don’t want ads supporting my music.
    As a listener, I don’t want ads interrupting my experience.
    As a consumer, I am fed the fuck up with ads, period. Saturation point was in the late 80s and they’re just cranking up the psychic pressure ever since.
    Free is easier for the artist, free is easier for the listener. No amount of middle man hype will change that. Get out of the way.

  3. I was thinking about commenting when I decided to post my thoughts on my own blog instead. I did come to the conclusion though that Ad Supported music is not only a part of the future but a part of the past too. The following is my concluding remarks and link to my own post.
    Will ad supported music be a huge business model? Let me ask you this instead how many commercial i.e. ad supported television stations are available to you right now? How many were available just 10 years ago? Think about that as you contemplate how many ad supported music sites both online and offline will be available in 10 years.

  4. I also think about how the generation growing up now accesses that same content on their own terms — it’s only old folks that are conditioned to tolerate advertisements constantly interrupting their viewing.

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