
Hypebot’s New Music Business Week In Review: WMG Digital, Mobile Music, AmieStreet, Last.fm & Much More

> Warner Music Group announced that
Michael Nash will be promoted to Executive Vice President, Digital
and Business Development, succeeding WMG CEO Edgar Bronfman’s brother-in-law Alejandro (Alex)

> Mobile music is on track to reach $17.5 billion in sales despite a decline in ringtones.

> Top indie artists and labels are embracing AmieStreets fan sets the price model.

> iTunes has made a questionable claim to being the #2 music retailer in the US.

> Last.fm posted strong growth spurred by addition of free on demand music and launched a showcase for its outside applications and widgets called Built.Last.fm.

> Facebook has added easy to set up Music and Film launch pages.

> AD SUPPORTED MUSIC DEBATE: Last week guest commentator Bill Houghton wrote that ad supported music was not sustainable.  Marc Cohen who works in ad supported music disagreed in a guest rebuttal. Now Bill Houghton is back with another commentary that an ad supported MySpace Music is doomed before it launches. Join the debate.

> PiraBoogle proves torrent search ease.

> Free Jobs Posting: Beggars Group needs a NYC based IT wiz.Tv


On OurDigitalMusic: Why Amazon Is Officially The Best Place To Buy Downloads, 10 One Hit Wonders That Drive Me Crazy, The Eagles & Moody Blues to perform at grand opening of the first Hard Rock Cafe Theme Park and much more

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