
100 Free & Affordable High & Low Tech Music Promotion Tips – Part 5

41. Go old school and cut through email overload by also faxing calendars and press releases. Use a free computer based fax broadcast service.
42. Don’t just send announcements to the press but include bloggers, record stores, colleges and even large offices.
43. Make your faxes look like mini-posters worth hanging up.

44. Fly a plane with a banner over someone else’s event.

45. Park a van or truck with a banner on a main street or across from a show by a similar act.

46. Buy a billboard for an event or series of shows.  Place it strategically near a competitor or across from a college campus.

47. Use one of the cheap automated phone answering services advertised in the classifieds to set up a special phone line for your schedule.

48. Pass a clipboard(s) around before a show to capture emails or do a survey.
49. Meet your fans face to face and ask them for feedback but how you can serve them better
50. Try the good old fashioned US mail occasionally.  It actually gets peoples attention.

Read tips 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 and 31-40.

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