Indie Music

A Mid-Year Look Back At Hypebot’s Music Industry Predictions For 2007

So far in 2007 our predictions haven’t been that far off…and we’ve still got 6 months left…

>>> This will be the year that the mp3 format will gain much greater acceptance from record labels.Amazon_14 Consumer dissatisfaction is growing daily, but the real action will begin in March when the new Amazon download store launches and gain momentum throughout the year.

>>> The mp3 momentum will hurt iTunes but not effect iPod sales which will remain very strong through Napster_92007.

>>> Napster will finally run out of money and be sold at a bargain basement price.

>>> It will be a good time to own an indie record label as majors labels, investment firms, and even some tech companies go shopping.
>>> The other major labels will follow WMG’s lead and start trying to sound and act like tech start-ups.

>>> Touring will continue to gain in importance both for income and promotion.

>>> Tight profit margins force consolidation within the download distribution sector.

>>> More artists at all levels and in all genres will go D.I.Y. and direct to the fans and the cottage industry to facilitate this transition will boom.

Take a look at some music industry predictions for 2007 from other pundits here.


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  1. Some good ones in there. FWIW, I think that Google will scoop up, Microsoft will pick up Pandora and that Real should grab MusicGremlin to fill out their device story. As a longshot I’ve got Amazon acquiring eMusic.
    I’ve posted a few of these over the year, check it out when you get a chance….

  2. More Digital Music Predictions

    From J Herskowitz and Hypebot. Particularly interesting ones are: -Mercora gets sued-SpiralFrog launches with a resounding thud-Zune makes inroads-MP3 sales hurt iTunes Music Store downloads but not iPod sales I made my predictions here.

  3. A bit late to call Google on Last.FM given that CBS have just bought them up for 75 million. No wonder they were unfazed when everyone else was crying ‘the sky is falling’ over internet radio royalties.
    My prediction? The nice feedback I’ve already had from industry bigwigs on my new e-book ‘The 20 Things You Must Know About Music Online’ will start to turn sour when the major record labels read it properly and realise exactly how disruptive the implications are to their model of the world.
    Just heard it’s being circulated around the board of the IFPI (honest!). Won’t be long now…
    And yeah. How’s that for a shameless plug?

  4. Pretty good calls on these. However, I’d like to insert a caveat that it will be a good time to own an indie record label, but only if you have the slightest clue as to what the hell you’re doing. Indie labels aren’t something that just anyone can start and hope to sell off.

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