RUSH – New CD Review & Marketing Notes
EDITOR’S NOTE: From time to time we’ll now be reviewing new releases. Yeah, part of it’s because we want the free stuff and part of it’s because we want to give ink to bands we like. Every review will include a bit about the marketing of the release as well.
REVIEW: Rush’s latest release Snakes & Arrows demonstrates with perfect alchemy an ability to blend the signature musicianship & unique song construction that defined a genre, with a fresh, layered sound, full of texture and a mental and spiritual maturity that can only come from 30 year career of triumph,
tragedy and survival.
Many of the great rock gods of our past have lost any ability to create new music that satisfies their hardcore fans, let alone create relevant new music with and ability to create NEW fans. This release will leave nobody out in the cold. There is something here for fans of all periods of Rush from the blues riffs of the early days to the in your face alt-rock of Vapor Trails. Songs like “Armor & Sword”, “Spindrift” and “The Main Monkey Business” are both classic Rush; and at the same time as fresh and progressivE as anything being put out by bands in the math-rock/art-metal scene of today.
There is a 3 song passage that stands out as a movement within a movement. “The Way the Wind Blows” kicks off with a ripping blues lick before launching into the RUSH matrix. The eye of the storm is the acoustic instrumental gem “Hope” full of jangle and melody. The acoustic guitars fades and the CRUNCHY intro to “Faithless” kicks out and in a 5 minutes, you can hear Rush weaving a quilt of sounds that at times conjure Pink Floyd, Alice & Chains, Beatles and of course RUSH.
Rush’s 18th studio release Snakes & Arrows is a strong disc. I can’t go as far to say that it is the same category as some of the band’s masterpieces, but definitely worth owning. With today’s vapid rock and the major labels love of cloned “insta-bands”, bands like Rush that continue to put out new, relevant music give the kids something to believe in.
MARKETING NOTES: There’s no coincidence that you see more and more YOUNG kids abandoning the dumbed down MTV playlist & listening to classic rock. The challenge to bands of yore that want to capture this market demo is to utilize the available technologies to create relevant, living web communities.
Rush has a well designed website but it seems to be lacking content and although a work of art, the heavy flash based design is slow for even broadband, and could be problematic. It is good to see the band taking advantage of new technologies like cell phone alerts lists, but there is definitely room to expand their “fan services”. (i.e. live show downloads, fan only tickets, Podcasting interviews)
Expanded fan services WITHOUT EXTRA FEES will help to keep longtime fans feeling appreciated, new fans feeling special and help capitulate momentum for the Snakes & Arrows release into hard tickets & merchandise sales for years to come. – PATRICK MAY
Please reconsider posting CD reviews in this blog. I can’t speak for other readers but I most certainly do not read this blog for CD reviews. Please don’t water down your otherwise excellent content with off-topic material and give me extraneous material through which I’ll have to wade to find the good stuff.