
Zune, Creative Don’t Make Top 10 Sales List

Zune failed
to crack the top 10 list of models hard-drive based audio players this holiday season according to
market researcher Current Analysis. Top 10 models included 8 different iPods and 2 models from SanDisk based on sales at Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Staples and RadioShack.

Microsoft promises that there in it for the long haul and promise new players and a massive ad campaign this year.  Microsoft has the deep pockets to push forward but the rankings are even worse news for Creative whose Zen line had some impact prior to SanDisk and Zune entering the market.

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1 Comment

  1. let those fools keep buying ipods. creative rules. the 2gb m100 absolutely rocks. no software required. no cables. no docking stations. it’s a flash drive with a headphone jack. buy it, copy mp3s onto it, listen. that’s it.

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