
This Week’s Top Stories

>>> There were major executive shake-ups and job layoffs at EMI.

>>> The EU announced that it will delay until June it’s decision on Universal’s bid for BMG publishing.

>>> The much anticipated Apple iPhone iPod/cell hybrid was announced and initial reviews are very positive. Cisco hit Apple with a lawsuit claiming it owns the iPhone name but Wall Street still rewarded Apple’s stock price. I think this just might be a tipping point for digital music.

>>> We interviewed Beggars Banquet/Matador new media head Adam Farrell on DRM.

>>> Microsoft appears to be walking away from it’s own PlayForSure technology which powers Napster and Yahoo.

>>> It was another sad week for CD sales.

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1 Comment

  1. Here’s one reason why I don’t really buy CDs anymore, even though they are higher quality audio and I have a powerful surround sound stereo:
    I have to go to a store to buy them when I decide I want the CD. Instead, I go look on Amazon where it’s probably cheaper and I can most likely get some free shipping. Damn, I have to wait 5 days?
    Let me check the internet…
    I buy CDs now only when I’ve convinced myself that the amazing effort of the artist is best reproduced on my surround sound stereo. I can accept most songs being played on 30 watt computer speakers.

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