Social Networking Landscape Shifting With 51% Of MySpace Visitors Over 35
A new Comscore study shows MySpace and other major social networking sites are trending older as the social networking space continues to evolve. 69% of MySpace and 71% of Friendster visitors are over 25 years old. Facebook which had been closed to only those attending school has a younger demo, but that too is shifting as the site has recently opened itself to all users. Upstart Xanga skews younger.
A surprising 51.6% of visitors to MySpace and 41.% to Friendster were over 35.
With such huge overall numbers there are still millions of teens on MySpace and Friendster. But to hold onto their graying audience will MySpace start doing more promotions with Dylan and The Eagles? And what will advertisers think of this older demo?
wait until they find out 50% of myspace is spambot, scams, and viagra vendors. heh…