
Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Thursday August 10th, 2006

Fcc_4– The FCC opened bidding yesterday for bandwidth that would provide greater cell and wireless internet connectivity nationally thus making wireless music and video streaming a reality. Thus far the two top TV dish providers are in the front running. (AP)

Bruce Springsteen to re-release his "Seeger Sessions" CD with 5 additional tracks. (Reuters)

Nokia770mp3.com founder and current head of mp3tunes.com Michael Robertson expounds on how the new Nokia 770 mini tablet with WiFi may be the perfect music listening device. (blog via R.A.I.N.). But Logictech also has a cool wireless music device also ready for market. (Engadget)

– NYC’s famous Hit Factory Studios, home to recordings by John Lennon, US and many more, will be leveled to make room for condos. (Reuters)

GarageSpin looks at 3 music industry organizations who are doing important charity work.

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1 Comment

  1. mp3tunes.com is terrible. i was excited to finally find a site that didn’t use DRM, but when i waited 2 months for them to add songs (that i know they had), they told me that adding new music isn’t a priority and that i should go to another music site.
    “At this time if you can find these tracks elsewhere you might want to purchase them there. Updating the music store has unfortunately slipped down the priority list for the company right now and I cannot tell you when these tracks would be available. I believe you can purchase the CDs from CD Baby as well. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Best Regards,
    mp3tunes = losers 🙁

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