
New Music Industry Briefing For Monday July 3, 2006

– The EMI and WMG merger dance continues with rumors that EMI is about to up their bid from $31 to $33 and indications that WMG has the money for another counter-bid of their own. (Hypebot)

Frenchflag_2– The French legislature has adopted the watered down anti-DRM law. Because the legislation allows for exceptions, observers wait for the Apple and the entire industry to react. (PCWorld)

– The British Phonographic Institute, the trade group that represents UK music companies, has won Simpsonsthe right to sue the controversial Russian discount download site allofmp3.com. (Observer)

XM sends out 78.000 postcards with the wrong phone number on them. (Times Standard)

– A video interview with execs from download distributor the Digital Music Group (The Street)

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