
LA Times Editorial Calls P2P A “Lost Opportunity”

Legal_4"A year after a Supreme Court victory against online piracy, major labels and studios haven’t done enough to lure file sharers." So begins an LA Times editorial.

"…free downloaders represent a lost opportunity for the entertainment industry. The number of legitimate outlets for music, TV shows and movies online may be growing, but file-sharing networks continue to attract a much larger audience. By one estimate, almost 10 million people around the world are using file-sharing networks at any given moment."Generic_headphone_computer_9

"…The industry needs much more experimentation with approaches that give users the control and freedom to consume that make file-sharing networks so attractive. Instead of hoping that millions of Internet users on file-sharing networks will go somewhere else and pay for their downloads, it’s past time to try to do business with them where they are. "

Read the full LA Time’s piece here and Hypebot’s take on the issue here.

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