
This Week’s Music Industry Hits & Misses

Hits_1HITS –

The MTV URGE/Windows Media 11 combo.  Urge has a nice layout and deep content, but it is far from earth shattering. And yes Microsoft is too pervasive and powerful.  But together they represent a juggernaut that can give Apple/iTunes a run for their money and competition is a good thing.

WMG’s Edgar Bronfman for almost singlehandedly (with the help of some really good publicists) convincing Wall Street that there is big money to be made in the new world of digital music despite P2P, a preference for single tracks over full CD’s and other hurdles.  We’re not sure that Edgar’s quite got it right yet, but investors flowing into the sector is good for everyone.  Bonus points go to Michael Rapino for bringing the same 2.0 sensibility to concert giant Live Nation.

Misses_4MISSES – 

The RIAA and major labels for going back on the promises they made allowing for fair personal use to Congress and consumers when they got the Audio Home Recording Act and suing XM over it’s time shifting INNO player.

Epic for selling limited edition Epic logo t-shirts for $75 on their web site.

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