Music Marketing

New Head Automaica Site Encourages Fan Content & Tagging With Prizes

HeadautomaticaWarner Music tech guy Ethan Kaplan launched an updated web site for new artist Head Automatica’s yesterday.  It’s somewhat unique because of it’s extensive use of tagging and fan created content.  This emphasis encourages the kind of viral buzz that is one of the few things that still seems to cut through the clutter. The site’s front page seems a bit busy to me; almost overwhelming. But it’s a very worthy experiment that surely will be fine tuned.

Ethan_kaplanHere’s how Kaplan describes it:

This launch is cool because we’re doing a contest based on tagging.

The user then tags any content they write, or come across related to the band “headautomatica.” We did some custom coding to pull from RSS feeds on those services and put that content on the site. People on the site can vote the content up and down, in relation to quality, etc. High scoring content gets in the hall of fame.

High scoring people win cool prizes.

Kudos to Kaplan & Co.

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