
Tunefeed To Launch As YouTube For Music Streaming

The folks who brought us photo site are about to unleash Tunefeed which aspires to do Tunefeedfor music what YouTube does for video – make it accesible, shareable and thus viral. Tunefeed will allow users to upload their music collection to a locker and stream it legally from their blog, web site or Windows Media Center.  Here are a few hints from the company’s web site:

"…Imagine being able to load your mp3 collection to the tunefeed locker, then creating playlists [tunefeeds] and dropping the tunefeed widget into your blog, myspace profile, or any website – you can even allow friends to play tunefeeds through their Microsoft Media Centre, we think this is pretty compelling…"

"…Tunefeed is 100% DMCA compliant, so I don’t expect to have any problems streaming most forms of music content from our servers."

"Whilst we can only aspire to youtube growth and appeal I will point out that with video there are very few legitimate ways to ensure copyright owners are compensated for their video being played – the same is not true for music."

Potentially powerful stuff for viral music marketers.  Sign up for updates and to test the product as it develops here.

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