
The Dawn Of The $8.50 MP3 Player

EvergreenJapanese company Evergreen shatters the mp3 price barrier with a player that costs a mere $8.50.  Sure you need to insert a 1 meg SD card because the player lacks memory and everything about scream CHEAP, but t $8.50 who cares?

Currently only available in Japan, the stripped down player proves just how inexpensive many of the underlying parts of portable players really are and it opens up a world of possibilities for other products.  Can disposable and pre-loaded players be far Zmatebehind?   Photo and more info via Engadget.

UPDATE:  Hypebot reader and music attorney Rob Falk turned us on to another "almost free" (ius you want need a flash card reader) mp3 player a $59.99 USB reader from zMate that doubles as an mp3 player.

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  1. In fact, there is at least one free MP3 player out there already. I picked up a 512MB SD card for $29 a few months back, and with it came a combination SD card reader/MP3 player called zMate for no additional charge. It has a USB port, is powered by a single AAA battery and came with necklace style headphones. It works fine with my Mac so I guess it would work with a PC 🙂
    There are better sounding MP3 players out there – I have not given up my iPod – but for a toss-it-in-the-backpack item, it’s OK.
    Once again, the blade makers are giving away the razor.

  2. There is no reason why MP3 should be more expensive than a disposable solar calculator.
    Once simple 1GB mp3 hits sub $40. It’ll be entirely different ball game. An entire new market will open.
    MP3 adoption/death of CD will accelerate exponentially.

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