Is There Too Much Music?
Momus comments on that music now seems to be everywhere filling all of the spaces of our lives. But is it always a good thing? Of course it feels good that your iPod is filled with days and days of the music we want to hear instead of the annoying techno hump from the next door neighbor’s, but what about a little…silence…?
"Thanks to the combined influence of technology and marketing, songs are being leveraged into every "blank" bit of space. And by "blank" I mean space filled with the lovely, subtle melodies of room tone. Time without a song to fill it is, increasingly, downtime, someone’s lost opportunity.-. For music makes us "emotionally correct"; it has an amazing power to modify mood, to make us maudlin, needy, soft or zingy."
Rad the full piece here.
must be a slow day at office.
Next on the news,
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