
Fast Company Questions Top New Music Industry Leaders On Future

This month’s Fast Company magazine asks some of the digital music industry’s biggest players about the future of the "New Music Industry":

  • Van Toffler – President of MTV Networks
  • Michael Robertson – Founder mp3.com and CEO of mp3tunes and Oboe
  • Elisa Wiefel – Director Of Marketing for Network Live
  • Jason Fiber – President of Cordless Recordings the WMG funded all digital label
  • Jenny Tooney – Executive Director of The Future Of Music Coalition

Mtv_18"Technology…lets us rethink…(the)content that goes with the songs….we can re-create the lost art form of album covers. Picture the Strokes putting out inexpensive Flash animation for each song on their new record…If we do it right, people will want to spend time with this, not just buy a 99-cent single and leave."  – Van Toffler on MTV & Microsoft’s new Urge download service.

"Our vision is, your music everywhere. We want you to live in a world where it’s possible to access your music on any device that has speakers on it" – Michael Roberston on his newly launched Oboe service.

Read the full Fast Company here.

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