Vinyl, Cassettes & Retail

How A Teenager Might Spend A $20 Monthly Music Budget

Our friends at IndieHQ used Hypebot’s recent article on a poll that showed slumping music sales has more to do with lousy product and high prices than downloading and used it as an interesting analysis of how a kid with a monthly music budget of $20 might choose to spend his hard earned cash.

Emusicnewlogo_5I personally subscribe to Rhapsody, Emusic, and…For the $20 per month example, you can’t really beat combining Rhapsody and Emusic services as you will have access to millions of songs.

Read is all here and weep. The scariest option is the use of YourMusic , a major label supported Yourmusic_3site  that sells 14,000 top titles at $5.99 including shipping and handling.  Talk about devaluing your own product…

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