
Dell Stops Sale Of High Capacity Players

Dell_4Even as many in the music industry hope for an iPod killer – a device that will challenge Apple’s 83% share of the market  – one major manufacturer had quietly exited the  large capacity player marketplace.  Dell admitted over the weekend that it had stopped selling it’s 20-40 gig Jukebox line and will continue to market only Nano-like flash players.Delldj

The industry has been moving towards more efficient but lower capacity flash based devices, but Dell’s move seems premature and may leave tens of thousands of loyal customers wondering why they trusted the computer giant to lead them into the digital music space. Some analysts believe that Dell may be readying a competitive new line of flash players and that this is merely a move to clear the way. Or could Dell payers with video be the the next move?  Rumors of Microsoft entering the player manufacturing space are also growing, but thus far little real evidence has surfaced.

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1 Comment

  1. I received a dell dj as a bday gift because it works with the rhapsody to go service I subscribe to. After owning an Ipod for a number of years, it became obvious that the Dell DJ isn’t even half the machine the Ipod is. The DJ is actually out of commission now after less than 6 months of usage. I would never consider buying a Dell music product again.

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