Radio & Satellite

Clear Channel Radio Web Sites To Add Video

Clearchannel300_17Clear Channel Radio is adding streaming music videos, podcasts and even iTunes like video downloads to their stations web sites.  Rumor has it that a music download service isn’t far  behind.

In fact, the radio giant has been beefing its web offerings in the last year.  They’re streaming a lot more stations each of whom now have better looking web sites.  They even introduced some pretty cool online exclusives including concerts and interviews.  The motivator is of course not to get totally left behind as the world migrates online and their competitive advantage is the promotional power of 1200 radio stations driving traffic online.

On the surface it seems to be a smart play, but we were amused by how unexcited a writer was about Clear Channel’s moves:

"Clearly,that sounds like a good idea, since we haven’t listened to the radio all that much lately."

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