Roll Up King Sillerman Telegraphs New Play
According to, fomer SFX/Clear Channel roll-up king Robert Sillerman told graduates of Boston’s Emerson College that there is "seismic shift" occurring in media and entertainment.
Sillerman used some examples including Elvis Presley and "American Idol," his two recent acquisitions. "That change, that shift, is the transfer of power away from the mass distributors of content to the ultimate consumers of content: You, me, us," he told some 1100 graduates. "Elvis has sold well over 1 billion records, much more than anybody else in history," Sillerman told the graduates. "That includes today’s pop icons like Jay-Z, Dave Matthews, Linkin Park, Britney Spears, Usher, Snoop Dogg and legends such as Bruce Springsteen and Madonna, all put together." The new digital on demand world alllows fans to emmerse themselves in their favortie stars 24/7 and provides almost unlimited opportuntities for the owners of content to re-package and monetize them. "My conclusion is that this increase in ease of access will not only extend the life of traditional entertainment offerings, but much more impactfully. This proliferation of ways of consuming entertainment will finally provide the freedom from the traditional gatekeepers that will cause a tidal wave of new, non-homogenized creative output," according to Sillerman. In other words – you guys can cry and moan, but I think I’ve found a way to make money. |