Major Labels

Radio Consultant Says Broadcaster Must Program There Way To Victory Over Satellites

Radio consultant John Silliman Dodge writes on his website aboug the battle between sattelite and broadcast radio using an amusing fight analogy. ("In round one….")

Xmradio_16He concludes, "…where the talent goes, where the great programming goes, the listeners go. Never forget that. 18-34 men are making the shift to satellite in big numbers. People 35+ only have to buy their next car. Contrary to any radio-sponsored rumor campaign, there is no trouble with satellite re-enrollment when the trial offers expire. Once people get used to 120+ channels of music, news, sports and entertainment, all digital coast to coast and commercial free, they kinda like it. They think it’s the future."

"One parting shot about the future: it always takes longer to arrive than we thinkRadio_4  it will. But once it gets here, it’s even bigger than we imagined. This means we still have a bit of time. Good thing because we have a lot of work to do. There’s only one way out of this battle—we program our way out. We remember what the trainer told our fighter about the basics: Know your audience and give them exactly what they want."

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