Podcasting On The Rise
From The Hollywood Reporter: "After getting a taste of the radio business in college, software designer Craig Patchett never lost his interest in broadcasting. But without a job in radio, it seemed likely to remain one of those unfulfilled passions — until something called "podcasting" came along. Now, Patchett’s creating shows and sending them out to the masses every day — not over the airwaves to radios but over the Internet, from his personal computer in Carlsbad, Calif. His listeners download his shows to their iPods and other digital music players. Patchett, 43, is among a growing number of people getting into podcasting, which is quickly becoming another of the Internet’s equalizing technologies. Less than a year old, podcasting enables anyone with a PC to become a broadcaster. It has the potential to do to the radio business what Web logs have done to print journalism. By bringing the cost of broadcasting to nearly nothing, it’s enabling more voices and messages to be heard than ever before. For listeners, podcasting offers a diverse menu of programs, which can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime. Unlike traditional radio, shows can be easily paused, rewound or fast-forwarded. The listener doesn’t need to be near a PC, unlike most forms of Internet radio."
You can check out the shows I do at http://www.godcast.org … mostly religious, obviously, but they’ll give you an idea of how you can use the technology and also how you can set up a network of related shows. (I’m the first site to do this.) There’s also an example of a music show at http://icm.godcast.org