
Study Claims Europe Key To Digital Download Future

TMobEarsIn the increasingly crowded digital download field an increasing number of players are jockeying for market share in the US and abroad. But a new report from Forrester Research “projects that the future of the digital music market will be found in Western Europe.” according to touring industry trade magaizne Pollstar. The study claims, “The paid-for music downloading market in Western Europe has been languishing behind the United States–until now. The market will finally take off in 2004.” The research firm predicts that by 2009, online music sales in Europe will annually reach $4.2 billion.

Pollstar quotes Forrester analyst Rebecca Jennings as saying, “Consumers are gradually coming around to the idea that paying for downloads gets them quality, reliable music and (that) services will become easier to use as broadband penetration increases.” While approximately half of online music sales are driven by younger consumers, Forrester predicts that older consumers will catch on as digital downloading becomes more commonplace and easier to use.

The study claims that Britain, France, and Germany will control the majority of the European downloading market, with over 60 percent of sales expected in those three countries alone by 2009. Spain and Italy could also grow to account for roughly 20 percent of the market.

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