Radio & Satellite

Does radio still matter in the streaming age?

Does radio still have a role to play in the streaming age? Some consumers argue that, when it comes to music discovery, radio still reigns supreme.

In this latest piece from MusicThinkTank, contributor Vasja Veber explains how radio, and the careful curation that goes into it, continue to make it a valid form of music consumption in the digital age.

“Aside from radio acting as a great needle that occasionally pops our music bubble, linear programs have that super weird attraction no one can explain. I have listened to Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida” at least ten thousand times, so I never ask Siri to play it for me. I got fed up with it. But if it airs on the radio, you bet I’ll listen to it from start to end, sing along and burst into a full-on drum solo on the steering wheel. The same goes for watching Forrest Gump whenever it airs on TV. I think music-centred radio stations won’t fade away that easily. I only wish they would get rid of self-centred hosts.”

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