
Soundcloud Names 2017 Top Tracks, Genres, Musicians and More

SoundCloud_logo (1)Despite a great deal of uncertainty surrounding its finances and  future, 2017 was a big year musically for he platform and the artists that use it. To look back at the top achievements of the year, they'v broken down their achievements into 17 varied categories from hip-hop, pop, dance and rock, to what’s new, now and next in music culture.


The 2017 Soundcloud year end list celebrates the diverse creativity on the platform – everything from the buzziest tags in 2017 like ChillHop and Vaporwave, to the year’s most creative cities including new entries Houston, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Seoul.

image from soundcloud-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com

*The above information was compiled based on indicators and actions taken from across the SoundCloud community including streams, likes, reposts, shares and location.


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