Planning An International Tour For Your Band
Although actually embarking on an international tour may seem like a far off possibility, this current downtime is the perfect opportunity to take some time and carefully map out a tour for the future.
In this latest post on MusicThinkTank, contributor M Banks outlines some of the key steps in planning for an international tour.
“International tours aren’t just a useful tool for interacting with your overseas fans. They can also be a fantastic networking opportunity. We don’t suggest playing multiple gigs every day, especially for your first tour. Instead, play 4-5 days a week and use the other two days to rest, recuperate and network with local musicians.
Reach out to local record labels and ask if you can drop off an EP. Talk to people who play regularly in the cities you’re visiting so you can figure out the best place to drop your hat. Make friends and invite them to come and play your regular venue if they visit the States. “