New Service Distributes Promo Tracks To DJ’s Digitally
By The G-Man
For all the hype surrounding digital distribution, nearly all initiatives have revolved around the distribution of music directly to fans for pay or for free. Just a cursory surf across the Internet reveals literally thousands of websites that offer to help independent artists sell, distribute, and promote their music. Even with the success of iTunes and the proliferation of digital music retail portals, little attention has been paid to the Web’s potential to supply music to influence-makers such as DJs and radio programmers. That is until Trakheadz.
" establishes a reciprocal relationship between artists and one of the most important groups of decision-makers for new music, the working DJ at clubs and radio stations," explains Steve Keitt, Founder and CEO of is the first online organization that provides a direct link between artists or producers and those who can put music into the public’s ears: radio station program directors, radio station DJs, club DJs, touring DJs, party DJs, and other music professionals who are looking to discover the newest music.
"We’ve taken the concept of the DJ record pool and streamlined it, modernized it, and brought technology to it," states Keitt. "This is a new way of getting the freshest tracks into the hands of both radio and club DJs, rapidly, easily, and at a very low cost. These are the people who are out there every night, playing music for audiences who are seeking new music."
The model for didn’t exist before Keitt invented it, but the idea began from studying an older method for introducing new music: the DJ record pool. There are many such pools, comprised of a community of working DJs willing to accept new tracks from a central source (the pool), to whom they report back their playlists, which are then used to create record pool charts. But these have tended to be cost-prohibitive for many DJs to participate in, hampered by rising shipping costs and very little interaction between the DJ and artist. tackles the issue by leveraging digital technology to not only securely deliver new music to DJs, but to provide the artist with direct feedback from those DJs.
Read the full article here.