Yahoo! Expands Email to 1GB,Google Expands To 2GB With Huge Music File-Sharing Implications
Even as the RIAA announces another round of lawsuits and important P2P lawsuits reach the US Supreme Court, music (and film) fans wanting to share files are switching to new less traceable methods. According to Digital Music News, "Yahoo! Mail has upped its standard in-box storage level, recently announcing an increase to 1GB…The increase follows a big move from Google Gmail, which recently announced the availability of 2GB in-boxes, a step up from its industry-leading 1GB quota."
"…For online music fans, the Yahoo!increase adds yet another one-to-one delivery method for sharing music files, further reducing dependence on open P2P networks. Other sharing tools include the ever-popular instant messenger, with industry expert Gerd Leonhard pointing to increasingly heavy IM file-sharing between trusted parties at a recent Musexpo Music & Media roundtable. Those discreet exchanges will make detection much harder for groups like the RIAA, with savvy file-sharers burrowing more deeply underground to avoid infringement lawsuits," writes Digital Music News.