125 Top Indy Labels Form A2IM Trade Group
According to CNET News: "Betting that collective action will help give them more market power, a group of 125 independent record labels initiated a new trade group Monday night aimed at giving them more parity with the four major music labels."
"Dubbed the American Association of Independent Music (A2IM), the trade group’s membership and specific goals remain somewhat diffuse. But leaders including top executives at some of the biggest independents in the country say they’re hoping to help give indie businesses the power their collective market share deserves as the music business is transformed by digital technologies…"
"…In the United States, independent labels have long complained that they receive a smaller percentage of revenues from new digital services than do big music labels like Universal Music or Sony BMG. Content aggregators such as the Independent Online Distribution Alliance and the Digital Rights Agency have helped narrow this gap somewhat."
"Manufactured pop culture is disintegrating before your eyes as the Net takes hold, but some of these institutional biases hold on and continue into new media," Gottlieb said. "Any arrangement that treats music differently by virtue of it being owned by multinationals is not a good strategy and is doomed to fail…"
Read the full article CNET here.