
AOL Music Now Offering Free Content To Web Sites & Blogs

Aol_music_now_1AOL Music is joining the growing list of net companies offering free customizable content to bloggers, web sites and even fans with common RSS readers like MyYahoO!

Rss_1AOL Music Now provides the ability to extract dynamic information and feeds for such things as members, artists, albums, charts, and playlists. Utilizing Really Simple Syndication (RSS) users can subscribe to dynamically updated data feeds either through My AOL, a compliant RSS Feed reader, or a website.

User generated content on community sites like MySpace and the proliferation of blogs has meant that music fans have an infinite number of places to grab info about the music they care about.  This is forcing mass media companies like AOL to spread their content free to these thousands of sites and blogs in hopes that a click will bring the fan onto the main ad supported AOL site. 

In the coming weeks Hypebot will be experimenting with adding content from AOL and other sites as well as links to tracks from Napster’s new free listening service.  We welcome your suggestions for content and feedback.

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  1. Bah, I’m doubtful.
    So AOL gets free advertisements and bloggers get what?
    Most bloggers I know have their own way of obtaining and distributing new (often unsigned) music.
    Maybe I’m missing something…

  2. I’ll have to spend more time with it, but at first glance this didn’t like a big deal.
    If AOL Music is hoping to get bloggers and (especially) MySpace users to use these RSS feeds, they’re going to need to make it a lot more user friendly.

  3. Yeah,
    but AOL/timewarner. I might as well give my personal information directly to NSA and all spammers, why bother with the middle man?

  4. Posted by: camille remarkable
    you got 10 discs of free 90hrs AOL internet + viagra spam email.
    I can use more coasters.

  5. Camille may be right but in fairness AOL is also offering some charts and lists of new releases that may be helpful.
    Posted by: Hypebot Editor | Thursday, May 11, 2006 at 08:09 AM
    oh come on. that msut be chart number twelve that somebody is offering. Chart is a dime a dozen. Last fm. filter coaliton, hpeymachine, elbow..etc etc.
    Plus, AOL? I can tell you what the chart looks like
    1. Ne Yoo
    2. Ne Yoo
    3. Ne Yoo clone #2
    4. Whoever winning American idol #2
    5. Ne Yoo clone #5
    6. Some yawner guy AOL is pushing #12

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