
Mugshot Offers Open Source Music Networking

Developer Red Hat is offering open-source social-networking tools aimed at helping people connect through their love of music and video. The new project called Mugshot is not designed to compete Opensourcewith MySpace and others but to complement existing social networks.

By making the code "open source" Red Hat is providing a free platform that could lead to a myriad of exciting services created by programmers who don’t have to re-invent the wheel to get a experimental concept off the ground.

Mugshot which is currently by invitation only was introduced with two primary services. The first lets people chat about music preferences and share links and the second enables them to share personal music lists from sources like iTunes and Yahoo Music. A TV Party community is up next.

Sources: Newsfactor, Mugshot

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1 Comment

  1. There you go see?
    once this gets off the ground, it will be welded together to WordPress(opensource) and Firefox (Opensource)
    Myspace will turn into the most boring uncool section of the internet in about….. 5 days.
    The big studio can’t keep up with internet speed. They are still partying like it’s 1995 !
    And a big recession is heading this way fast… really fast. It’ll sink people’s entertainment budget like nothing before. And the Major label will die first.

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