
Microsoft To Market Wireless Player By Christmas

Microsoft will start selling a wireless digital music and video player to compete with Apple’s iPod by Christmas, according to Reuters and other sources. The new player would let users download music Microsoft_10and videos over the air which would give it an edge over the pod.  Microsoft  is also planning a new software much like the seamless Apple iPod/iTunes combination.

They’re proposing an iTunes model approach," a source told Reuters. "They’re now interested in controlling the whole vertical stack of technology from the device to the service to the software." Record companies are expected to be receiving prototypes to test in the coming weeks, according to Reuters sources. The same sources believe that Microsoft will be throwing significant  marketing dollars behind the launch.

Applelogo_30Selling a device in addition to software applications is a major departure for Microsoft who has always left  hardware to others; and major companies like Sony have tried and failed to unseat Apples 80+% portable player market share.  Google and Amazon are both also reportedly eying the same marketplace.  But Microsoft may have just the right combination of brand, money and tech savvy to take a real bite out of Apple’s future.

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1 Comment

  1. Sony reign in music industry is over.
    1. They don’t know how to write software (iTune, WMP type of apps)
    2. Sony doens’t control key electronic component (the NAND memory) So their device isn’t as cheap as Sandisk who makes their own memory. And sony can’t throw around weight as Apple and Microsoft can in computer industry.
    3. What’s worst, Sony right now is filled with TV and music label executive making engineering decission. That’s why all their Digital players are fubar and doesn’t work (yes, it doesn’t work!)
    And Sony still doesn’t have a clue that Apple vs. Microsoft is about controlling the DRM standard. They want to lock customers in their version of DRM. (ya think people who has spend $500-1000 on AAC will convert to WMA or some future Sony standard?) Plus sony doesn’t own desktop operating system. (both Microsoft and Apple do. They can do a lot of tied up trick.)
    think again.

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