
Gydget Gets Band Widgets Right

Gydget_2Few music 2.0 tools have gotten higher adoption rates as widgets. These little pieces of code are popular because they encourage viral promotion. Plus if you keep the widget updated, anywhere it’s placed – MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and any blog or site – is updated instantly too.

Several sites offer tools for creating widegts including a great one from Nimbit. I used Widgetbox to create one for TheRockDose.com in the lower far right column here on Hypebot. But Gydget appears to be…

the widget creator of choice for the major labels. Perhaps because of its list of users, I assumed Gydget was expensive, complex or both. On the contrary, it’s free (though they may start charging for some tracking features) and easy to set-up given how customizable it is.  Here’s one I created in under 15 minutes for one of our top agency clients, the fabulous Pink Floyd tribute act The Machine.














Banner 2Banner 1go!


PS. Gydget not pay for this endorsement.  I won’t do that on Hypebot.

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