
FanDoodle Pays Fans To Sell Music

FanDoodle.com enables fans to distribute downloads for artists and labels and get paid for it. Unlike the Burnlounge pyramid scheme, which I understand finally went out of business, FanDoodle is straight forward and artist friendly.

Once music has been uploaded, fans place banner code or text links in their emails, websites, MySpace or Facebook pages, blogs, or forums. When someone purchases a download, the fan keeps 20%. While the ability to distribute downloads is not new, the ability to…

instantly distribute them in partnership with their fans is.
Potentially, an artist or label can sell music through thousands of
distribution points rather than just a handful. It’s $9.95 for
set-up and artists receive 60% of sales. Fans and FanDoodle split the remaining
40%. Not a bargain but comparable to what most indie acts receive after iTunes and a distributor take their cut.

INDUSTRY READERS: FanDoodle is interested in exploring partnerships with companies related to the
media industry, in particular those that deal with musical Artists. Please
contact bizdev@FanDoodle.com with inquiries.

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1 Comment

  1. Social Media Marketing: ArtistData, FanDoodle, Beginner’s GT MySpace

    ArtistData sounds like a great marketing tool: ArtistData is a free service that allows artists and managers the ability to post information only once and have it updated across many online destinations simultaneously, including Eventful, Jambase, MySp…

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