
Will Labels Control Your Digital Music Locker

Will record labels control the music you store online digital lockers?  It’s an important question that Greg Sandoval at cNet asked, that I admit had never crossed my mind.

  • Lala
    The newly re-launched lala got licenses from all the major labels (not sure about indies) before it opened shop.
  • Mp3tunes_logo
    MP3tunes, however, believes that if you own a track and its for your own use, why should they have to make a deal with the labels? They’re in court with EMI right now trying to prove the point.

Is this about labels once again trying to control downloads even after they are purchased? Or is it protecting the artist and label rights?  If you believe, as many do, that  like other digital information your music will someday exist primarily in the online cloud to be pulled down for use wherever you are, then this is an important distinction. What do you think?

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